shapeshifter avatar


I never considered myself a leader. It just sort of happened. People began to take notice of the things I said. I didn't think my words were particularly interesting or profound, but apparently a lot of other people did. Slowly it built up, and people began telling other people what I said and before long I had a massive congregation of devout followers hanging on my every word. Am I a prophet? Am I the new Messiah? Am I the next Jim Jones, David Koresh or Charlie Manson?

No, I'm just some schmuck on Twitter with a huge ass following.

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    Christopher almost 9 years ago

    Thank you, Anna my dear. Always appreciate your lovely words.

    Thank you, L. Michelle. A lot of overinflated egos courtesy of Twitter, I'm afraid.

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    Peter Henderson over 6 years ago

    I don't do Twitter so I don't sort of get it but you sound a bit tired of people hanging on your words. Hope it stops so you feel a bit more positive.

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