"The Pursuer" drabbles by Christopher

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The Pursuer (2/2)

The Pursuer #2

I was flying down the road as fast as I could go!

Tap, tap, tap!

My heart felt like it was going to explode.

Tap, tap, tap!

What was following me? What did it want?

Tap, tap, tap!

I couldn't shake it. It was keeping up with me, right behind me!

Tap, tap, tap!

I raced up my driveway, under the carport, jettisoned the bike and barreled into the house.

The next day, a little braver in the sunlight, I went out and faced my pursuer.

A leaf was wedged in the spokes of my back tire!

Tap, tap tap...

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The Pursuer (1/2)

The Pursuer #1

I remember when I was young being a couple of miles down the road at a friend's house. Unfortunately, we played until it got dark and I had to ride my bike along the isolated road to get back home. There wasn't much of a moon out and it was very dark.

As I peddled down my friend's driveway I got the overwhelming sense I was being followed. I could hear a sound behind me: tap, tap tap.

I sped up and so did the sound.

Tap, tap tap.

My heart was pounding.

Still it was there.

Tap, tap, tap...