"Just for fun " drabbles by Frenchie

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The job interview...

Just for fun #2

I had a job interview halfway across town. I arrived flustered, with one second to spare, to find a grouch of a receptionist.

"Here, fill this form!"


Name? None of your business
Age? Never ask a woman her age!
Sex? Excuse me?
What can you bring to this company? Myself
Why do you want this post? The money
Where do you see yourself in five years? Duh, I can't even see tomorrow!

Feeling smug, I handed the form to the sourpuss and stepped into the bright sunshine. Two days later, I received a call offering me the job. Seriously?

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Her band of merry people...

Just for fun #1

It's Monday morning. The bus races through Tower Bridge. As usual, the driver shouts a cheerful greeting through the open window. I smile at passers-by, wave hello to strangers who avoid my gaze while I sing out of tune.
In cafes, disgruntled customers harass tired waiters.
''Leave them,'' I say, ''Have fun!''
Bang in the middle of Tower Bridge, the bus stops suddenly. Driver and passengers pour out holding hands. They leap, twirl like Dervishes on a spiritual retreat.
On Monday morning, all we need is to follow a band of merry people to the sound of an accordion.