"Farmer Brown" drabbles by Christopher

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Watch Your Ass

Farmer Brown #2

Farmer Brown was trying to repair a wall in his barn, which his donkey John kept kicking at. He'd gotten the broken boards removed and was nailing the new boards in. John kept pestering him, though, and he yelled, "Get outta here, John!"

John sulked off around the corner.

Farmer Brown hammered until the nail disappeared and then heard a horrific squeal from the other side.

He ran around the corner to see John against the wall with the recently driven nail going into his backside.

"Well, that's ironic!" Farmer Brown chuckled. "I just nailed the wall to my ass!"

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Pin The Tale On The Donkey

Farmer Brown #1

Farmer Brown lived in the country with his wife Helen and a bunch of animals, including John, his donkey (so named because Farmer Brown couldn't afford a John Deere, so his donkey and an old wooden plow became his tractor).

One day Farmer Brown accidentally knocked over his wife's stone water fountain in the front yard. When she saw the broken pieces he yelled, "John kicked it over!"

She shook her head.

After Helen went back in the house John decided to actually kick something and knock it over, just as soon as Farmer Brown turned his back on him!