"Artificial Intelligence AI" drabbles by Neville Hunt

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From now on I promise I’ll write my own!

Artificial Intelligence AI #3

Jasmine loved paper sculptures. She spent months crafting her masterpiece, a delicate bird perched on a tree, and when the sculpture suddenly came to life, Jasmine was thrilled. The bird flew around chirping happily.

But soon, the bird’s wings grew stronger, and it became wild and uncontrollable. Jasmine tried to catch it, but the bird attacked her with its sharp beak. As Jasmine fled, she saw the paper tree grow roots and burst through the floor. The once beautiful sculpture now terrorised the house, wreaking havoc everywhere.

Jasmine realised too late that some things should remain art and nothing more.

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Spring walk in the wood

Artificial Intelligence AI #2

Amidst the tranquil Gustard Wood
In early spring I strolled with ease,
The trees with buds and leaves as food,
A gentle breeze, a pleasing tease.

As I roamed, with nought in mind,
I chanced upon a wondrous site,
A carpet of snowdrops, well-defined,
Their petals gleaming, pure and white.

Their fragile beauty, so divine,
In humble clusters bowing low,
Beneath the trees, they seemed to shine
A peaceful, joyous, vibrant glow.

And in that moment, I did see,
The beauty of the world around,
The snowdrops filled my heart with glee,
A simple joy that knew no bound.

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Coco...coco... oh no!🤮

Artificial Intelligence AI #1

Melvin hated coconut with a passion. The taste, texture, and smell made him cringe. But what he particularly hated were the coconut gremlins. They seemed to take pleasure in sneaking coconut into his favourite foods. Melvin had to sift through his cereal painstakingly, removing every trace of coconut.

One day, as he was enjoying a coconut-free bowl of granola, he felt a sharp pain in his throat. Gasping for air, he realised too late that he’d missed a minute coconut piece! Those gremlins had finally got to him, and Melvin could only hope it wouldn’t be his last breath!