"All about women " drabbles by Frenchie

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Daughter of Eve...

All about women #2

I am a woman. Simply, proudly. The colours of the earth live in my womb.

From me are born the noblest heroes. Alas, mindless fools too.

I bear the marks of love and the scars of violent childbirth. Sacrifice is my lot. Simply because I am a woman.

I am called a lady, sometimes a whore but every ship carries my flag.

I am man's desire. His nemesis. His downfall but also his greatest ally and loyal lover. The world is born from me and paradise lies at my feet.

Simply because I am a woman, a daughter of Eve..

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It could have been me...

All about women #1

I was waiting for the bus when I saw her: dishevelled, in a near state of undress and, drunk.

People avoided her but I couldn't take my eyes off her.

She was rummaging through the dumpster, laughed triumphantly when she fished out a half eaten sandwich. She devoured it with gusto as if having a gourmet meal. She rummaged a bit more for a can of beer.

She saw me looking. She gave me a toothless smile and went on her way.

I felt an immense sadness and kept thinking, "it could have been me, I could have been her."