frenchie avatar

All about women #1


I was waiting for the bus when I saw her: dishevelled, in a near state of undress and, drunk.

People avoided her but I couldn't take my eyes off her.

She was rummaging through the dumpster, laughed triumphantly when she fished out a half eaten sandwich. She devoured it with gusto as if having a gourmet meal. She rummaged a bit more for a can of beer.

She saw me looking. She gave me a toothless smile and went on her way.

I felt an immense sadness and kept thinking, "it could have been me, I could have been her."

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Frenchie about 3 years ago

    Who knows what tragedies she suffered? :-(

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    Neville Hunt about 3 years ago

    There is always a backstory...

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    firefly about 3 years ago

    It sounds like a great beginning to a story. Beautifully written, I feel like I am there watching with you ^^

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    Christopher about 3 years ago

    More people should have those kinds of moments to make them appreciate who they are and what they have instead of always complaining. Very nice, Frenchie.

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