"Requiem For A Stripper" drabbles by Christopher

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 56

Requiem For A Stripper #56

She looked disappointed. "Got a date?"

I shook my head, "I have an appointment with my stock broker."

I thought I might try to make her believe I was rich. Maybe I'd get invited to join The Immoral Society.

"Stock broker? You must be doing alright for yourself. What business are you in?"

"Real estate. Mostly overseas but I've done some deals here. East coast primarily."

I was trying to make it difficult for her to have me checked out.

I was pretty sure The Immoral Society had something to do with the missing strippers.

I just didn't know how...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 55

Requiem For A Stripper #55

"When do classes start?" I asked.

"You'll be in my class. I start a new one for beginners on Monday at 7 pm. Can you make it?" she asked, continuing to look me over.

"I can make it."

"Good," she said. "Now, would you care to go for a drink?"

"You don't have classes tonight?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Nah, we stopped having Friday night classes because too many people couldn't make it. After working all week most people go out on Friday night and see a movie or something."

"Can I take a raincheck on that drink?"

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 54

Requiem For A Stripper #54

"Alright, let me get the papers," she said and stepped back into her office.

"Would you like to come in?" she asked as she went to a file cabinet in the corner of the room.

I stepped in. The office was about as sparse as the studio was. There was a desk, two chairs, the file cabinet, and a small painting on the wall of a waterfall.

Linda got the contract and put it on the desk in front of me.

"You can read it if you like," she said.

I signed it. After all, who was Jacob Randall anyway?

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 53

Requiem For A Stripper #53

"By the way," she said, "my name is Linda Erickson. I run Hoofers."

She stuck her hand out. I kissed it, I don't know why. But she seemed impressed. I thought I might be able to butter her up and get some information.

"Well, aren't you a charming man?" she said.

"It's been mentioned before. It's only outshined by my humbleness."

She laughed out loud.

"Now," I said, "how much for a course of dancing lessons?"

"Back to business, huh? Okay, it's $35 for a course of four lessons."

I nodded, "That seems reasonable. I would like to sign up."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 52

Requiem For A Stripper #52

"It's not that, really. I'm just looking to better myself and I thought dance and piano lessons would be a good start."

She grinned, "Well, I don't play the piano but I can definitely help you learn to dance."

She looked me up and down again, "Yep. Definitely."

I was beginning to feel like the prize bull at the county fair.

"So you don't play that piano over there?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Nah, we have a guy who comes in for the classes. But sometimes he's late or doesn't show up. That's why we have the phonograph."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 51

Requiem For A Stripper #51

A woman answered the door. She looked to be in her mid-fifties but was trying desperately to make herself appear early-forties. Her hair was parted in the center and had waves and curls on each side. She had a print dress on with a pattern so busy I'm surprised it wasn't sweating.

She looked me over. "Well, well. What can I do for you, Mister...?"

"Randall. Jacob Randall. And I'm considering signing up for dance lessons."

She smiled, "Are you now? There's only one reason a man signs up for dance lessons. So what's her name?"

I smiled...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 50

Requiem For A Stripper #50

I didn't see anyone in the place but myself. In fact, I saw several of me. The walls were lined with mirrors. The studio itself was long and empty with hardwood floors and a lot of lights in the ceiling. There was a table in the corner with a phonograph player on it, and an upright piano next to it. I guess you don't need anything else to teach dancing. At the back of the studio, in between the panels of mirrors, were a couple of doors. One was marked Restroom, the other Office.

I knocked on the office door...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 49

Requiem For A Stripper #49

I had a little time to kill before Jen Ann's performance at the Gilded Daffodil, so I thought I'd head over to Hoofers and check the place out. According to the business card I picked up at Honey's it was located on Fairfax Avenue in Hollywood.

I pulled up and parked out front. It was rather nondescript to be a place that supplied girls for elite parties. Maybe they were trying to keep it low-key. The sign had two big toes instead of O's in the name Hoofers. Pure class.

I pushed open the glass door and stepped in...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 48

Requiem For A Stripper #48

"I think you've said enough, Ari," Eddie said, clearly angry with me getting so much information.

"Alright, Eddie. Now what do you want from me?" I asked, rather anxious for his reply.

"Here's what I want, Randolph. I don't want to see you in this shop for a whole year."

"3 months," I countered.

"8 months."

"4 months," I continued haggling.

"6 months."

"Done," I said, shaking Eddie's slimy little hand.

I started for the door, turning around as I opened it and went through.

"See ya in six months, Ari."

"Yeah, take care, Randolph," Ari said with a grin...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 47

Requiem For A Stripper #47

"You run girls too, Eddie. Isn't it quite possible that you've supplied girls for this club as well?" I asked.

"Whaddya want from me, Randolph, huh? A signed confession?"

"What kind of people are in this Immoral Society?" I asked as I lit a cigarette.

Eddie didn't say anything, so Ari turned around.

"I've heard they got Hollywood actors, singers, athletes, politicians. Anyone with enough money and not enough moral fiber."

I took a drag off my cigarette. "And Hoofers recruits strippers for this club?"

Ari nodded, "Yeah, but not just strippers. Any girls that sign up for dance lessons."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 46

Requiem For A Stripper #46

Eddie said, "I've heard of it. As far as I know it's a legitimate business."

I heard Aristotle cough a little. And he wasn't even smoking one of his famous cigars.

"Come on, Eddie. Is there anything underhanded going on at Hoofers?"

Eddie shook his head. "I don't know if it's underhanded or not. I do know the place recruits young women for, how shall I say, elite parties?"

"Elite parties?" I asked. "You mean rich and affluent people?"

He nodded, "Yeah, they have a sort of club. I think they call it the Immoral Society."

"You think they do?"

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 45

Requiem For A Stripper #45

"I know you know everything that goes on in this city," I said, buttering him up. Even though it was true.

He just nodded, smiling slightly.

"Have you heard about all the strippers going missing recently?"

He nodded again, "Yeah, that's bad business. Is that what you came here to find out?"

"You know a Madame Helga? She may have a place in West Covina."

Eddie thought for a moment. "There used to be a Madame Helga that ran a whorehouse. But that was decades ago. I haven't heard her name in years."

"How about a dance studio called Hoofers?”

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 44

Requiem For A Stripper #44

"Well," I said, not really wanting to get trampled by these two elephants, "let them get back to their game. I just need to ask you a couple of questions. I'll even do something for you."

That perked his ears.

"Okay, guys. Get back to the game. I'll be there shortly," Eddie said as they disappeared through the backdoor.

"So," he said as Ari went back to his flower arranging, "what are you going to do for me, huh?"

"What do you need?" I asked.

"Are you serious?"

"Sure," I said.

"Let me think on it. What do you want?"

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 43

Requiem For A Stripper #43

"If you weren't such a well of information I wouldn't have to come here, Eddie."

He scoffed, "Flattery will get you chucked out of here, Randolph."

"And who's going to do that, Eddie?" I asked.

He pressed the same button Ari did and two guys that looked like stuntmen for Boris Karloff in Frankenstein came through the backdoor.

He pointed to the two men. "They will."

I was surprised. "Since when do you employ muscle, Eddie? You and Ari have always been perfectly capable of handling yourselves before."

"They don't work for me. They were in the back shootin' craps."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 42

Requiem For A Stripper #42

I stepped in and took off my hat.

"Don't get comfortable, Randolph. You ain't gonna be here long," Ari said as he went to a buzzer over by the cash register.

After a few seconds Whistling Eddie emerged from the backroom.

"What is it, Ari? I got a good crap game go...," he stopped as he saw me.

"Perfect. Just what I need. A two-bit gumshoe coming in here to try and threaten me into coughing up some information."

Why did everyone have such a negative reaction to seeing me? Harrigan, now Whistling Eddie.

Was I contagious or something?

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 41

Requiem For A Stripper #41

I got there just after 8 pm so the front door already had the closed sign on it. I knocked on the glass and saw Aristotle turn and look at me. He was standing on a wooden crate arranging some flowers. He climbed down and walked over to the door.

"We're closed, Randolph," he said through the glass with a voice that sounded like sandpaper.

"I gotta see Eddie, Ari," I yelled back through the glass.

"Eddie don't like you, Randolph."

"I don't like him either but I still need to see him," I said loudly.

He unlocked the door...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 40

Requiem For A Stripper #40

I kissed Jen Ann goodbye and told her I'd be at the Gilded Daffodil by 10 pm to see her show. Then I headed for Pico Boulevard. That was where Eddie's Flower Shop was located.

Whistling Eddie came by his moniker honestly. He was always whistling, although I never could figure out if it was an actual tune or not. He really was everything I told Jen Ann he was. And less.

His shop closed at 8 pm but the backroom dealings went on until well after midnight. There was always a poker or crap game going on until dawn...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 39

Requiem For A Stripper #39

"Who on Earth is Whistling Eddie?" she asked.

"A greasy little weasel that just happens to know everything that goes on in this city. He's a part of some of it. He runs a prostitution ring, does bookmaking, and has a protection racket in the back of a flower shop."

She laughed. "Does he actually sell flowers?"

I nodded, "Oh yeah. In fact, there's been times when he made more money from the flower shop than he did from his illicit businesses. But in reality, the flower shop is run by a midget named Aristotle."

She nodded her head, "Naturally."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 38

Requiem For A Stripper #38

"Jake? Jake? Wake up," I heard a voice softly saying.

I opened my eyes to see Jen Ann standing over me, smiling down at me.

"I don't wanna go to school today, Mom!" I said as she giggled.

"I have to leave in a bit to go to the club. Are you still coming to see me?"

"Of course," I said as I rose up. "But I need to stop and see someone before I do."

I got up and started getting dressed.

"Another woman?" she asked, grinning.

"No, I'm too exhausted for that. I need to see Whistling Eddie."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 37

Requiem For A Stripper #37

She rose up to look at me, tears streaming down her face.

"If two went missing from the other places does that mean another girl will go missing from the Daffodil?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, Jen. But I'll come to the club every night if I have to until this mess is cleared up. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

She smiled and leaned in and kissed me. I could taste her salty tears.

I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the bedroom.

Her nap would just have to wait....