saralightwaller avatar


Galloping Gertie got caught by the wind. She gyrated and sashayed like a hoochie coocher, a twisting black ribbon of concrete hung on wires.

Dear Gertie was a thrill ride for locals, who lined up on windy days to ride her hills for free.

She was slim, young, and graceful. Every inch a dancer.

Her partner, that wild commotion, liked to play rough and one day proved too much for her. She put on her red shoes in the early hours of November 7th and danced until she dropped

into the Sound,

gone to pieces,

broken to bits.

Goodbye, Gertie.

5 comments add one below

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    Sara Light-Waller over 9 years ago

    For those who don't know the story, this drabble is based on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse of 1940. This is a local story for me.

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    Jim M over 9 years ago

    Beautiful description and powerful metaphor. My favourite of yours yet.

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    Jim M over 9 years ago

    Deep last line

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    Sara Light-Waller over 9 years ago

    Thanks! I think this is my favorite to date. Although there are many other little stories I'm looking forward to telling. :-)

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    'Glad you provided the insight.
    ('Love the red shoes in November.)

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