sarahcarellian avatar



"Will you help?", she asked.
"With cataloguing the collection?" I said.
It was agreed.
I never knew that such a brief exchange would alter my life.
I started, working from pictures, transcribing the labels on the slides.
Two thousand slides, sixty year's work.
"Who?" I thought,"Who was this man, so precise, so skilled?
"How did he keep it up? So many slides, so painstakingly made?
"Why did he spend his life making these objects?"
And that was it! I was hooked.
Now I have to find out about him, know about him, write about him.
Now my time is committed.

6 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 8 years ago

    It's amazing how something can pique our interest, and the next thing we know we're swept away by a tidal wave of curiosity.

    A great debut. Welcome to Drablr, Sarah.

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    Sarah Carellian over 8 years ago


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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    Agree with Christopher, Cindy and Michelle, it's fascinating. I am really curious what this true story is about. More soon I hope! Welcome to Drablr from me too Sarah.

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    Sarah Carellian over 8 years ago

    More to come, but not necessarily soon ;p

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    D.M. over 8 years ago

    Welcome! 'Looking forward to more.

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    shaun about 8 years ago

    Hello Sarah. I'm going through your back catalogue in order, so please bear with the newbie commenting on archival rather than latest.
    This was very thought provoking. I hope your others prove just as rewarding.

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