samanthabishop avatar

Just Waiting On A Friend


The sophisticated gentleman sidled up to me in Beelzebub's three piece suit, oblivious to my jet black hair, my jet blacker soul.

"I've three riddles for you," he whispered huskily, "answer them correctly and I'll let you take me home and have your way with me."

Nearly mesmerized by his hypnotist's eyes. "It's against my religion answering any questions unless it involves me winning a car."

I glanced at the snow falling steadily outside, thinking it would be a lot prettier if it didn't get so dirty. Then I thought I should've at least let him buy me a drink.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    T. Willemann over 9 years ago

    Very nice piece of work!
    Now I am Danish, so maybe this I obvious to everyone but me, but I didn’t quite get the ‘Nearly memorized by his hypnotist’s eyes…’ Was it maybe supposed to have been ‘Nearly mesmerized by his hypnotist’s eyes…’?
    In any case I really liked it.

  • avatar

    Samantha Grace Bishop over 9 years ago

    Mesmerized !! You're exactly right, Thomas. Thanks !! Fixed.

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    'Can only imagine his three riddles! Yeah, right!

  • avatar

    Olga Klezovitch over 9 years ago

    Enjoyed it.

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