rosemarkle13 avatar


It has plagued me for almost a month now. My thoughts, even my dreams are haunted by images of him. I find a significantly small amount of pity in my friends, I have convinced them into believing it is none of their concern. I find escape in small moments, when I am absorbed in something I enjoy. Reading, music, the bliss of a dreamless sleep. I cherish every waking moment that is not overcome with sadness or anger or self-hatred. Given, these moments are few and rare, but still, they are welcomed with hopeful eyes and a dead face.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. over 9 years ago

    Interesting last image. It's like a punch.

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    Mike Arnzen over 9 years ago

    Nice twist ending, Rose!

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    Rose Markle over 9 years ago

    Thank you @sheepdogowner and @arnzen!

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