richarddavidson avatar


The horrific killings continue. Four corners of the land. From The Brandywine to Far Downs. Decapitations, corpses all found defiled, raped, nude. Skulls crushed, brains removed.

The locals decried the despicable acts, afraid to go out at night. Not since Nazgûl and the Scouring had they witnessed such atrocities in their idyllic and picturesque countryside.

The thain mustered the Hobbitry-in-arms, to catch the culprit, but to no avail. For every morning, the scarecrow returned to fields of Bamfurlong Farm, his insatiable penchant for knowledge quenched for another little while, humming softly to himself...if i only had a brain...

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    Frenchie almost 5 years ago

    Hahaha... you are right Drew but Samwise surely would have risen to the occasion.
    Richard, I have enjoyed it. Love the little end twist!

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