richarddavidson avatar


they scurries like rats from neath my skirts.the dirty rotten little bastards.between my legs they fall out.neath the table.bleed thru the walls.crawling thru the floor.cant you do something?yous sposed be my husband.yous more useless than theys!you cloudy giant piece o shit!die!fuckhead die!

every time I turns round theys shadows.eatin my goddamn food!every little scrap of my fuckin food!Not theirs!I didnt birth em for em to eat me outta house and home!

they just keep comin,like locusts!like plague!they cant be stopped.these fuckin bitches.interferin with my life!dont they know ta leave me alone!leave mama alone.let er die in peace!

2 comments add one below

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    Elizabeth O. Smith about 10 years ago

    I like this a lot. It has a strange syntax/structure but, still drew me in!

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    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    Loved the flow of this, Richard and the reveal at the end. It left me with quite a potent image in my mind!

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