ravs avatar


If you crouch beneath the counter at the local diner, you’ll see a phone number scratched into the wood. Call it to connect with Ogsby.

Ogsby writes classified ads. Not the kind in regular newspapers—the kind posted to broken poles and bathroom stalls, intended for rats in hats or shadowy waxbodies or the type of men who can make you disappear.

Only call him once. Never agree to meet him in person. He’ll get you what you need, guaranteed, for the price of the words you speak to him.

Choose those words carefully. You’ll never get to use them again.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 4 years ago

    Eeeek! Scary. Maybe I’ll give calling Ogsby a miss 🥴

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    Jamie Clapperton about 4 years ago

    Scary with a sense of wonder.

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