priya_bala_ avatar


Out of focus.

She wanted to see how his eyes looked, up close. Would they still be gorgeously brown and almond? Or would she find something stowed away. She wanted to know what 1 inch away from his warmth would be like. That space that divided, quite like time that separated her from the inevitable. She wanted to put her heart to test when she'd step into that circle of intimate radius. Would it sync with his heart like the opposite side of a magnet? Or would she be defied by everything she'll discover... when he was out of focus.

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 8 years ago

    Very nice, Priya. Welcome to Drablr. It's a wonderful community.

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    Priya Bala about 8 years ago

    Thanks a ton!

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    Roger Noons over 7 years ago

    Excellent piece.

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