pgbetwixt avatar


A sudden affliction on the surface accompanied by an abrupt pang.

Unbeknownst to us all, a battle commences. Little damaged structures surrender one by one. Red spills, pooling until it cascades. Black takes over—reaching the limit.

Pain lingers, and perhaps some suffering.

A bruise.

The battle culminates; coalescence ending the spill. Little damaged structures mend. Then an uprising blooms—purples, greens, yellows, or browns.

They fade away.

A distant memory.

Every now and then, it happens again. A sudden affliction on the surface accompanied by an abrupt pang.

We look back on our past and shrug it off.

A bruise—nothing more.

5 comments add one below

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    Frenchie over 10 years ago

    Nice :)

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    Horrorshow over 10 years ago

    Really nice. Excellent drabble.

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    K.Z. Morano about 10 years ago

    i liked this a lot... amazed by the detail and descriptions. :)

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    Griv about 10 years ago

    Thanks everyone :)

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    Jim M almost 10 years ago

    Brilliant, really poignant and very deep

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