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They may ask, you'll probably say yes. If sincerity is severely met, don't perform, merely operate; people rarely recognize the difference anyways.

Know when you've been sought for (projected) subjugation susceptibilities. Run.

Meet demands upon establishing faith that your livelihood will remain in tact but don't trust until determining better sex relies on surety.

Be on guard. Recognize slow-fading torments that pass through generations but beware the entitled souls that won't grow.

Appreciate your anguish and forgive yourself. You won't be of comfort to those who rarely acknowledge adversity.

When disaster strikes, remember, you always rise from the ashes.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Horrorshow over 9 years ago

    I love your writing, OPR. I hope you'll keep posting here. I'll try and pop in from time to time to read your work. Great title for this drabble by the way!

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    op ruoho over 9 years ago

    Thank you both, it's very much appreciated. I will miss reading your drabbles, Horrorshow, but am thankful to have someone dutifully read my writing. In the meantime, I am confident that you are (and will always be) writing on a larger scale and that someday I may return the favour. xoxo =)

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    Horrorshow over 8 years ago

    Missing you my friend xxx

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