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He said he loved me everyday until I decided I meant it enough to say it back; hoping it was sufficiently memorable so that he wouldn't need many replays.

He began to age before my eyes; nagging me between "I love you" moments until the words quickly meant nothing. For someone forbidden to fuck me, any dishonesty was too much to handle.

I frequently welcomed his company because I cared enough to encourage his imperfections without capitalizing. Twelve years my senior and he had yet to learn that to transform a stubborn woman you must actually respect and accept her.

4 comments add one below

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    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    Thanks Samantha! You rock!

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Another very powerful, honest and raw piece of writing. I love logging on here at drablr.com and finding another drabble from you, OPR. You're definitely one of my favourites!

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    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    Thanks, Horrorshow, that means a lot coming from someone whose work I admire. =)

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    That feeling is very mutual then :-)

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