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I am reluctant to share my most volatile reveries. His robust existence provides an intense stamina I can barely proportionate myself to.

My destructive nature unsuccessfully attempts dismantling his attentive propensity. Easily and habitually, I distrust perceived altruism. Often re-opening wounds with heinous rationalizations; feeling like a parasite while trying to illustrate an identity.

His eyes posses an alluring assuredness that grabs my usually restrained gaze. My chest tightens with consternation, contemplating (in)actions but instinctively must embrace him knowing our minds undulate the purest forms of debauchery.

My inherent bull shit heeded and duly ignored, I have become docile.

7 comments add one below

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    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    New record! Only two unused characters remained. I wonder if I can get to zero one of these days... Maybe I don't want to accomplish that cuz I write my best when I'm drabblin' =p hehe I suppose limitlessness doesn't suit me.

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    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    I shouldn't proclaim things until I'm done editing... Especially now that I realize I cannot delete my comments. hehe oops.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Delighted to see and read another of your drabbles after a three week absence, OPR. I hope you're well and that you'll continue to share with us your wonderful writing.

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    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    Fo' sho'! I always enjoy your comments, I think you are someone I would enjoy conversing with. I am very well, mostly just over-worked.

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    I can relate to the over-worked thing! Great to hear that you are well. :-)

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    Bryan Thomas almost 10 years ago

    Nothing docile about that drabble!

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    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    Thanks, Bryan =)

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