opr avatar


Never had interest in popping any man's cherry; always fearing men and contribution to bruised egos--the careless behaviour that stems from there on.

Putting up with acquaintances' claims on my love when I neither expressed, thought nor sensed associated feelings and impenitently loving only one friend for nine years in response to occasional inquisition of my sanity. Unsurprisingly, I provided reinforcement yet was marooned at every turn; habitually being punished for teetering devotion.

Seeking mutual affection, confidence is gained after unplanned procurement of a man's virginity (despite the clumsy fuck). Once clothing is removed, I never say no.


5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Packed full of the raw sensuality that is your calling card, OPR. Very well written.

  • avatar

    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    Thanks, I'm still editing but maybe I'll get tired and stop now. =)

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    No more editing! Leave it be and get some rest. :-)

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    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    hehe ok, goodnight!

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    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    Thanks, Chloe =)

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