opr avatar


Don't want reassurance, mostly just diversion. Any promise of asylum has me running.

We can make a bet: see who can sustain sexual distraction the longest; I always win.

Make another bet? Who can keep a straight face longest while being mischievously sinister.

Despite being bubbly, my cartoon face makes people uneasy, I'll probably win that too.

We could lay in bed, whispering anything profane, guileless, ominous, revealing;

Raising hairs and goosebumps on your body with innuendo while I run my soft fingertips over every chaste part of you...

Again and again, while plotting the final touches to pending desecration.

3 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    You've quickly become of one of favourite writers here, OPR.

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    op ruoho almost 10 years ago

    I appreciate your comments and sincerity. I am not used to it and I will try not to downplay my creativity cuz I know that can be irritating. It's not only comforting to get it out of me but inspiring to know people enjoy reading my writing! Thank-you!

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    You're welcome and I look forward to reading more of your work. You write with a great deal of honesty.

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