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Same age as my father, Muslim, full head of hair already turned white with smooth, olive skin. Definitely the intellectual type; the first person to wear hipster eye-wear without bringing about my disdain.

His bashfulness, especially for his age, makes my heart melt (and my cunt wet). I knew he wasn't concerned about his file, he just wanted another chance to see me before going back to Brampton.

I meet him at a time when I need an experienced lover most. Had he asked, I would've done anything to feel him between my legs.

Instead, I masturbate all day.

2 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    Got a lot out of this one. Score a vote from me. Love how you use words. Good writing.

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    op ruoho about 10 years ago

    Thanks again, kind sir. xD

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