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Every so often when I don't follow the routine of "what's good for me", I awake in the night, longing; clit stiff, unyielding.

I love to reminisce about the feelings possessed in the beginning. The ability to just feel without uncertainty – usually confused as lust and/or obsession.

Then he no longer wanted me, just needed me. Words were meant to replace actions. Responsibilities in ensuring equitable roles were lost on his part while I was supposed to recount maudlin debauchery no longer being executed.

I would still cum occasionally but not cave-in from enthusiasm of a complementary essence.

4 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    Intriguing and well written drabble. Particularly loved the lines, "Then he no longer wanted me, just needed me. Words were meant to replace actions"

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    op ruoho about 10 years ago

    Thankies! You're very kind. I might not stick to "flash fiction" per se but I needed an outlet to express myself in fewer words before I lose interest/purpose in whatever I'm writing.

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    Brandon Sutton about 10 years ago

    I had a similar purpose in mind when I joined drablr.com. Nice drabble, by the way. It has a delightfully disconcerting contrast of smooth and coarse language that I really like.

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    op ruoho about 10 years ago

    Thanks, Brandon!

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