noodlebubble avatar


Nanna had said the teapot was haunted. We didn’t listen which is awful but she’d said a lot of weird stuff since pop had died.

“I won’t drink from it. He’s in there!”

“OK Nanna” I poured into a floral cup “You can read the leaves after.” I gulped the weak brew wanting it over as soon as possible. Nanna looked at the tea dregs through freshly polished glasses and dropped the cup.

“He’s left the pot.” I knew there was more to come so felt no relief. “He’s…”She faltered, raised a finger to point directly at me. “He’s in…”

4 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 2 years ago

    Yikes! Great drabble, Lisa.

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    Neville Hunt almost 2 years ago

    Brrrrr! Thank gawd I use teabags these days, and no pot!

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    Frenchie almost 2 years ago

    Me too... great drabble. I enjoyed it :-)

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    Lisa Williams almost 2 years ago

    Thanks, as ever, for taking the time to read and comment all -
    Much appreciated xx

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