noodlebubble avatar


They met under a clear blue sky in 1976. Drew asked if she’d like to share a bath. Iphagenia’d laughed, and he let her go before him in the queue for the standpipe.

Their love flourished though not much else did that summer. He proposed as the mercury tipped past 35.

In October, they married. Her Wedding Dress soaked up water from a puddle. Honeymooned in Venice. And they were happy, or so he thought until she announced one evening in 83. She’d met a plumber. He gave her the fire she needed. And she’d be moving out that weekend.

5 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    '76...I remember it. It was hot. Really enjoyable drabble, Lisa. I had to smile at Iphagenia'd - what contractions we drabblers are forced to do. Drew gets around too! :-)

  • avatar

    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    Really hot!

    Glad enjoyed & yes- made worse by the name choice I think... but wanted them together to spell drip. Meant to change Drew to Drake - apologies Drew if you read XX

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    He will read!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Just got the 'drip' reference. Nice one, it was me that was a little damp around the edges. We had subsidence as a direct result of summer 1976, hence unforgettable.

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    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    Thanks Drew- fun to write X

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