nigethehat avatar

NaNoWriMo #28


Nothing kills people like a war, and the war with the Irish had been long.

But now, it was almost done.

“It feels dirty,” Arfa said, leaning on the Tintagel battlements.

Merlyn nodded. “But you did well.”

“So many people dead. And suddenly it all stops because of a stupid marriage. At least it’ll be over once Tristan gets back.”

Merlyn arched an eyebrow. “You sent Tristan?”

“Yeah. Problem?”

“You sent a compulsive womaniser to spend weeks travelling with the renowned beauty who’s meant to marry his uncle.” Merlyn sighed. “No, can’t see anything going wrong with that at all.”

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neil Murton almost 10 years ago

    I'm unlikely to finish this one for a while, but I'm sure there's no way it could possibly end badly.

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    D.M. almost 10 years ago

    Are you sure?

  • avatar

    Neil Murton almost 10 years ago

    Sure, it'll totally be fine. Hey look a distraction!

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