nidhal avatar


Year 2560, a new age of humanity has begun. A war wiped out 4 continents all together and the survivors gathered in Africa.

Imagine this, some of them didn't even know the African borders even though it's year 2560 ?

But it's true, 10 people left from the old age called the elders now rule the world. Due to the enhanced bodies they had, they now can be called " Gods of the realm"

Little do they know, there was an 11th who knows the secret of the new world and will do it all to make Humans "Humans" Again.

3 comments add one below

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    Jamie Clapperton 6 days ago

    Will that be a bad thing or a good thing?..Intriguing.

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    Che bk201 5 days ago

    Jey Jamie , been a while , it will be fun !

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    Jamie Clapperton 5 days ago

    Hey Che 👋 I'm sure it will be 😃

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