nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #825


“But hang on Paolo, I still don’t know how she knew about the very existence of the diamond. Someone must have told her, not Ronan for sure... and would his son have dared do the dirty on his dad? So who else knew and why would they tell Mary Flaherty of all people?”

“Aidan... Conor's mate... and why...? Torture. Mary knew something was being hidden from her... maybe her sixth sense... Conor kept completely schtum. But Aidan wanted his balls back when she grabbed them and her bony fingers closed on them like a clam. He told all he knew.”

4 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 1 month ago

    I would have too!

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    Frenchie about 1 month ago

    ouch... Nowadays, we usually follow the money trail but in this instance, I believe the right thing to say is ''chercher la femme, pardieu, chercher la femme.''
    (Look for the woman, by God, look for the woman...)
    (Alexandre Dumas, Les Mohicans de Paris)... 😁

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    Jamie Clapperton 9 days ago

    No idea why my legs are crossed.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt 9 days ago

    Mine too!

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