nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #824


“And now Paolo, while we wait for our delicious food, you’re going to tell me how and why Mary bloody Flaherty knows about my lovely diamond!” As Sofia said the word diamond, she raised her right hand and wiggled her fingers naughtily. This was a kind of ‘greymail’ to keep Paolo talking and giving her the full story.

Paolo winced and whispered anxiously “Keep it down Sofia, or ideally take it off your finger. I can and will tell you why she knows about it... because she told me... and she suspects I might’ve known too. She wants it back!”

7 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 1 month ago

    Sorry everyone, I have taken an extraordinarily long time getting back to this story to complete it. I am determined to nail it, sooner rather than later. This is meant to be the spur to achieving that. I have always told others wanting to write but not knowing how to start, just to get started with whatever comes into your mind and it will be so much easier to maintain the momentum. And it’ll feel good too. Let’s hope it works for me...

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    Christopher about 1 month ago

    Wow, this is an unexpected surprise, even though I'm 6 days late in reading it! I'm glad you've returned to this. Looking forward to finding out what's going on.

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    Frenchie about 1 month ago

    cheering you on from the sidelines.... 😊

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    Neville Hunt 13 days ago

    Thanks both. Just returned from a fabulous French ‘oliday with toute ma famille (quatorze). Now with any luck I can start to focus....

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    Jamie Clapperton 9 days ago

    Just imagined her flashing me a faint what are you looking at? look. Glad I'm only having fun reading about these people .

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    Jamie Clapperton 9 days ago

    Love 'Greymail.' By the way.

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    Neville Hunt 9 days ago

    Thanks Jamie.

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