nevillehunt avatar


Eight kids standing in line, in age order, and, neatly, height order too. Rather like a bar chart, six sisters then two boys. My six aunts and one uncle and last, and sizewise least, my dad. The girls and Uncle Fred looked very well groomed. But the little guy at the front, dressed in a kilt... goodness knows why, grinning mischievously; I wonder why, had a huge mop of curly brown hair, resembling the Wild Man of Borneo, and me!

Peering into the photograph, I saw my young self looking back. Spooky! But that was before my hair blew away!

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    Christopher about 2 months ago

    I have the same feeling looking back at my old pictures when I was in high school. I wonder how someone could lose that much hair!

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    The oddest thing was that having had so much hair, not so long as to need a pony tail, but copious, curly and thick, I never noticed it going at all. No clogging of the shower or bath waste, no tell tale sign on the pillow. It had to be the wind that stole it from me. At a recent school reunion, I recognised instantly all the schoolmates I’d not seen for decades, but although they remembered me well, they had no idea that I was me🥴

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    In fact, Christopher, my ‘logo’ pre-dates the wild wind that stole my locks. But... if I still had that much hair it would be grey or white and look completely daft. It doesn’t stop my youngest granddaughter continuing to remind me that my hair blew away...😕

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