nevillehunt avatar

Unforgettable Memories #5


One by one, wedding guests drove past on their way south. Some didn’t notice us. Others stopped, offered help, but scarpered as soon as they heard that Hertz was hurtling over with a replacement car.

My wife’s cousins arrived though just as Hertz had swapped keys and towed away the broken beast. We would meet them briefly in the next town to share our problems.

Then on to London, arriving too late for dinner, many more tears and an early alarm call to drop off the car at the airport tomorrow.

The clean, confetti-free car. Our wedding day consolation.

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 2 months ago

    Hertz's slogan in America back in the 60s was "Let Hertz Put You In The Driver's Seat." They should've added "but you won't be driving very far!"

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    Hehe! The car’s gearbox had completely seized. Very scary! I can only imagine that there was no oil lubricating them thar cogs! But decades on… at least it has provided lots of opportunity to tell the tale!

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    In her much later years, I became a real favourite with M-in-L. I was ‘the only one who really understood her’. So all’s well…etc. The boy done good!

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