nevillehunt avatar

Unforgettable Memories #3


What a whirlwind of a day! Nerves. Vodka-tonics. No nerves! Thatched country church. My bride. Beautiful! Did I? Did she? We did! Vintage Rolls. Reception in large marquee on lawn. Speeches. Farewells. Hire car bedecked with foam, cans, confetti... everywhere. Done it! Phew!!

Leaving guests partying behind, we sped towards London, a five-star West End dinner and our lives together. Then the Hertz car seized up en-route. In Thetford Forest. In the middle of nowhere.

No mobiles, no houses, no hope. No fancy meal. Nothing... but the tears of my new wife!

That’s when I left her.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher about 2 months ago

    I'm not too worried because I know this has a happy ending.

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    You know my story so well Christopher!

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