nevillehunt avatar

Unforgettable Memories #2


Thinking back, as one does, to my special day on its anniversary, I remembered needing Dutch Courage to prepare me for the ordeal I was about to endure. My future mother-in-law had begged me not to marry her lovely daughter. I was apparently ‘unsuitable’. (But I would marry her anyway!)

My trusty Best Man Peter was in charge, so how he allowed me, and him, to consume three vodka and tonics each immediately before the ceremony I’ll never know. But I do know that my “I do!” was the very loudest the pretty country church had ever withstood!

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 2 months ago

    Nice to see your mother-in-law making another appearance in your drabbles!

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    Neville Hunt about 2 months ago

    Hehe! Thanks Christopher.

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