nevillehunt avatar

Hever #2


The gardens of Hever Castle are impressive. Lots of exciting things to do, like getting lost in the maze, getting soaked in the water maze, defending the brilliant wooden castle, recreating WW2 in the military museum, rowing gently on the lake, strolling around the beautiful rose gardens, and one could even go inside the real Hever Castle and see where and how young Ann Boleyn lived.

But there is clear evidence of less savoury activities in Queen Ann's childhood garden.

Beautiful statues, once completely crystal-white, cannot hide the grubby signs of modern hands copping a feel of classic bottoms!

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    Nice. Sounds like an interesting place.

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    Neville Hunt 3 months ago

    It’s a great place. A small and very pretty castle, complete with moat, drawbridge and portcullis! Bad king Henry the Eighth fell for young Ann Boleyn, divorced his first wife causing a fundamental split from the Church of Rome, but later chopped off poor Ann’s pretty head when she didn’t produce a male heir. It was fascinating to see where she had spent her happier childhood.

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