nevillehunt avatar

Memory Lane #3


After Radwinter’s recollections... on to delightful Saffron Walden, a lovely Essex market town that claimed my future bride for three years. We rediscovered her former teachers training college, a girls-only institution (also frequented by eager boys wanting to be taught a thing or two!). But most of us naughty boys obeyed class rules!

Having fallen for her when she was 16, I’m sure her parents intended this three year imprisonment to drive us and keep us apart. But occupied as she was there by lessons, my love for my favourite teacher simply didn’t lessen!

That sure taught her folks!

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher about 1 year ago

    Very nice. However, it only brings all three up if you click on the third one in the series. Maybe it's because it has words after the #. At least that's how it was for me. You can check it if you want to.

    Still, very enjoyable.

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    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago

    Thanks, Christopher. I've now removed the 'of 3' suffix, so hopefully it should behave itself from now on!

  • avatar

    Christopher about 1 year ago

    Yeah, I just checked it. It's all good.

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    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago


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