nevillehunt avatar


As young marrieds, building friendships from scratch in our new Home Counties environment, and meeting new people at parties was essential. One of the first questions you were asked was “What do you do?”, clearly to check whether you were ‘their sort’.

Saying you worked in advertising either generated countless add-on questions about ‘adverts’, models, client lunches, or attack from left-leaners. It became tedious.

Sometimes I told newcomers I was a deep sea diver working for the MOD, tapping my nose to prevent further questioning. And then I met a real deep sea diver.

Tap-tap! Tap-tap!

6 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago

    True-ish to be perfectly honest!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago

    Prompted by Brian McKinney’s recent drabble.

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    VerityAlways about 1 year ago

    Hahaha,i do the tapping for coffee and desserts

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    Richard Hunt about 1 year ago

    When I tell people I am a chemist, they generally just stop there, thinking I ran a shop. Little do they know … and little will you know.

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    Jamie Clapperton about 1 year ago

    Heh. Think I might sometimes have been vague about what I actually do in a hospital and let people imagine I was a brain surgeon or something.

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    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago

    Well why not, Jamie? You wouldn’t be there if you weren’t performing a critical operation 🥴

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