nevillehunt avatar

Chazzanation #4


What slightly spoiled the Coronation Day events was the inane “Not my King” chants from unimaginative republicans. The next day our village High Street was officially closed for Coronation street parties, to reopen at 5pm. But closing it clearly didn’t apply to beLycraed cyclists who continued cycling down the street, irritably dodging pedestrians, kids, gazebos, tables, chairs... Protesting?

Playing street games with neighbours, our last game, musical chairs, started at 4:45pm, when an irate motorist started blasting his horn continuously, demanding passage!

“Bugger off mate!” someone shouted.

Bolshy cyclists? Bolshy motorist? ‘Not My Coronation Street Closure?’

But it WAS ours!

4 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 1 year ago

    This series was a nice tribute to the coronation. But did you see the black cloaked and hooded figure passing by a doorway holding something during the coronation? A lot of people saw it and said it looked like the Grim Reaper holding a sickle. I thought maybe it was part of the ceremony, since I know nothing about British coronations. I just wondered if you saw it and what your take was. You can Google it if you didn't see it and want to. It's on YouTube too.

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    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago

    It did look like Grim himself, but apparently it was a ‘verger’ a church officer and sort of caretaker/attendant in the Church of England anyway and he carries a rod and walks ahead of a Bishop or more usually dean, symbolising their office (importance!) [I reckon that if someone walked ahead of me carrying a rod, I might think he was about to attack me!😂]

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    Christopher about 1 year ago

    I figured you'd be able to clear it up. It did look weird, though.

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    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago

    It certainly did look Grim!😬

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