nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #818


At that point, when Sofia had almost got as full a story as possible, the waiter arrived for their food orders. Up until then he had been wonderfully unobtrusive, delivering menus, quickly taking Sofia’s decisive “two glasses of champagne please” order, and delivering the drinks. But now he needed some decisions.

Sofia wasn’t going to be rushed. She was so close to having squeezed all the truth out of Paolo, so she asked the waiter to for five minutes extra.

“Come on Paolo, we must choose what to eat.”

She would extract nothing but the truth while Paolo was preoccupied!

7 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 2 years ago

    Writing this story ‘on the fly’, I too was preoccupied with the exchange between to two characters at the expense of the restaurant ‘process’. Hence the waiter’s intrusion, but I hope it works...

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    You explained it perfectly. And I've been in restaurants where we put the waiter off for quite a long time, not because we were discussing death and murder and diamonds but because we couldn't decide what to order!

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    Neville Hunt over 2 years ago

    I would say I’m always the last one to decide, because I’m always far too busy chatting, but it’s Mrs H who is the laggard, checking that she’s not choosing something more expensive than anyone else! Silly girl, she deserves the top of the range (but thanks for saving me money anyway!)

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    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    I just sniffed this drabble! I really like the intrusion, more please!!

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    Neville Hunt over 2 years ago

    Please allow me a bit of self congratulation... although it’s probably far too hidden to allow myself any credit. To explain; I like my drabble titles to be a bit of fun. This one ‘Wait a bit’ sounds like ‘waiter bit’ as this is the bit in the story where the waiter performs his waiting bit, without which the reader might think it’s unrealistic that such a posh restaurant would have such inattentive staff... Well... it made me smile...

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    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    I always adore your wordplay and creative titles, and this drabble added more fuel to my tank with the food intrusion (also, I'm partial to food!!)
    Wait a bit- my pea brain didn't figure out this string theory. Glad you shared!! (I need to pay more and more attention)

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    Neville Hunt over 2 years ago

    Thanks Verity.

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