nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #807


They say women are fantastic observers and that time and time again men give themselves away. Sofia was particularly adept at reading men. She’d correctly pinpointed Paolo’s fear of Mary Flaherty and would make it her business to find out the nature of the woman and the nature of her threat. She also noticed how a couple of times while opening up about his concerns, Paolo’s eyes almost imperceptibly flicked to the large diamond sparkling on her finger. But she didn’t plan to follow that up... yet.

There would be time for that later, when she fully understood Mrs Flaherty.

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    Glad to see this is back. I'm anxious to find out who was really responsible for what happened at that funeral.

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    All will be revealed (when I’ve worked it out!😁)

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