nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #801


“Right then Paolo...” Sofia was taking charge now. “Looking at this positively, your obsession with Livia has in one sense been satisfied; you’ve done the deed so you can tick that off the list. Done! I’ll be honest with you Paolo, I’m a little bit jealous, but you must see that Livia’s not for you. Never again!”

Paolo’s grunt and silence suggested he wasn’t necessarily convinced, but he said nothing.

“You must trust your instincts,” continued Sofia, “Livia’s up to something bad... but beware, you don’t want it to rebound on you, do you? So tell me all about it.”

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    Yay! Glad to see it's back! Looking forward to it.

    One point, Fedelta is misspelled in the series section so this one is not showing up with the others.

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Thanks very much, Christopher. All fixed now. Hope I can keep up the momentum. I’m afraid I didn’t do a catch up of the last bit as I felt it might delay the start of the rest.🥴

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    Glad you're on a roll, Neville !! I'll have to dig up some time to read the start of the series. Hopefully, I will when Killer's not on the loose;-)

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