nevillehunt avatar

Only in Totnes #14


On the subject of the icy Narnian plunge pool, not only was I first in, I went back in twice more that day and three times later in the week! And let me tell you, the other wimps who ventured in did so either in wetsuits or tee-shirts. The little imps of course wore lifejackets as the water was rather deep... I could forgive that!

But I’m no wimp! Barechested, I braved the deep, braved the cold and braved the long, wispy weeds that seemed to threaten to drag me down to a watery grave. Nobody was impressed though!

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    Well, I'm impressed!

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Thanks Christopher, I quite impressed myself!

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