nevillehunt avatar

Only in Totnes #13


Sending us off for a luxury couple of nights in our favourite place in England was lovely, and very kind. I couldn’t help thinking though that we two were very much the old codgers... the older generation. But when it had come to generation, I’d generated quite a few oohs and aahs when I was first into the icy Narnian plunge pool.

”Ooh!.. Baba’s getting into the pool! What’s the temperature, Baba? Aah! 18 degrees sounds really cold! Are your teeth chattering, Baba?”

Now I like to chat... but I was blowed if my old teeth would be joining in!

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    I take it that's Celsius? That would be about 64 degrees Fahrenheit (which is what we use over here). Still bloody cold but 18 degrees Fahrenheit is -7.7 Celsius! That would really get your teeth chattering!

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Yes, it’s Celsius. I find I can get my head around it easier, particularly as all the kids use it. But it was a case of brrrrr! anyway!

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    Dare I take a plunge. Then curse myself for the havoc sinuses create.

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