nevillehunt avatar

Only in Totnes #8


Like all small fish that swim in shoals, anchovies suddenly dart off either seeking food or avoiding a predator... even the salted ones, in olive oil, huddled together in tiny cans... well, like sardines! I was the predator and my three cansworth had escaped, aided I suspected by the capricious fairies.

Our pizza night went very well and (dare I admit this?) I didn’t miss the fish course on my delicious pizza.

Fast forward several days to our departure yesterday... the anchovies had swum back and hidden in the folds of my raincoat.

It all seemed very fishy to me!

5 comments add one below

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    Very Fishy, very Fairy! Nice one, Neville.

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Thanks Verity. Home now after a full day’s travel, but there’s a few more to come in this series. It was a fabulous holiday with our children, their wives and husband and our six grandchildren. We all had a cracking time in a fabulous environment.

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    Great, Neville! would love to hear more adventures !

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    Glad you recovered them.(Although I've never liked them. Or mushrooms either. Fish and fungus pizza never interested me!)

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Thanks Christopher. Both anchovies and mushrooms must be an acquired taste... which I’ve acquired! But the not-so-humble anchovy is much more versatile than a mere accoutrement for the humble pizza. I use the salty little beauties in lots of other delights.

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