nevillehunt avatar

Only in Totnes #4


My younger son Alex and family stayed in The Cabin, in Narnia, or maybe it was Totnia. They were the lucky ones with the plunge pool, the water lilies and the weeds. But they let me swim there with him and the two 5 year olds.

You would never call Alex hirsute these days, as he’d given his receding hairline a helping hand long ago! With trepidation and dread we all slipped into the icy-cold water, shocking even! But the biggest shock of all was when Alex emerged from the deep sporting green dreadlocks. Amazing... he’d instantly turned Totnian!

4 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago

    Haha! I'm with Alex, though. As soon as I noticed a hole appearing toward the back of my hair (around forty-ish) I went full-on Yul Brynner!

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    A great time in Narnia Land! Enjoy Devon!!

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Thanks Christopher and Verity. It truly is a fabulous English county, Verity.

    It was a big surprise the first time we saw our shorn-off shock son. Like you Christopher, it must have been a case of hair today, gone tomorrow.

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    Christopher almost 3 years ago


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