nevillehunt avatar


My wife’s a modest soul. In my view she’s a talented artist. In her view she’s not. My wife is well read. My wife has a view... not always the same as mine... but that’s OK. I tell her that she’s an intellectual. But she says she’s not. She’s wrong of course, but her modesty is an admirable trait. People seem to like it.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while and decided. I’ve decided to become modest and self-effacing myself... because I realise that, like everything else I do, it would be something I’d be great at!

6 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 3 years ago

    Vaguely true🥴

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    Jamie Clapperton about 3 years ago

    Used to do a quote of the day thing at my previous workplace. If still doing it Neville, would have asked if I could put a slightly shortened version of the last paragraph up there.

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    Neville Hunt about 3 years ago

    You’d have been most welcome Jamie. The rest of the drabble was a setup for the last para as I’m sure you can tell. And the setup is true, she is most modest.

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    Christopher about 3 years ago

    Nice one, Neville. I'm sure you would be great at modesty, but not as great as me! :-)

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    Frenchie about 3 years ago

    I am Modesty incarnated... I am so modest that I am in perfect admiration of the magnitude of my modesty :-)

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 3 years ago

    Oh go on Frenchie don’t be so tough on yourself!

    (Btw, in an email response from Michael, (the Drablr owner) he said how pleased he was to see you back here again. Me too! We just need Drew to come back...)

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