nevillehunt avatar

Horst #10


Horst might have appeared to all to have remarkably retained his composure in the face of considerable provocation, but inside he had found a way to temporarily sublimate his anger and ‘keep a lid on’ for the time being.

“Horst, mein freund,” he told himself, “let your feelings run hot, but your revenge must be cold, like that foul Vichy soup!”

Revenge would wait, for now, but in time, like that mediaeval sheißter Shylock, Horst would have his pound of flesh... and more.

Right now Horst had to cook the living scheiße out of the other contestants, especially that Turk!

7 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 3 years ago

    Haha! Wunderbar!

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    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    Vielen Dank, Christopher!

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    Christopher over 3 years ago

    I'm learning how to spreche Deutsch through all this!

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    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    Das ist sehr gut mein Herr! Warum nicht?

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    Christopher over 3 years ago

    We had a show here in America back in the 1960s called Hogan's Heroes, about soldiers in a German POW camp, one of my all time favorite shows. Most of the German words I know I learned from that. And the rest I learned from the German episode of Are You Being Served.

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    Neville Hunt over 3 years ago

    Haha! I didn’t know there had been a German episode of ‘Are you being served’. I remember Hogan’s Heroes... good series.

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    Christopher over 3 years ago

    Yeah, they did a German Week on AYBS? where they only sold German goods. It had something to do with the Common Market at that time. They dressed like Germans and put on a little show. And they were learning German words. Some of them weren't happy about it, as the war was still a fresh wound in their minds.

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