nevillehunt avatar


They were the toughest times. Living in the Western Isles, isolation was a way of life. So when the big snows came, the family lived off the contents of the freezer.

Murdoch, with time on his hands, started watching cooking programmes and took over the kitchen and dwindling contents of the freezer.

“We’ve a family to feed! You’ve no idea how to make the food stretch!” complained wife Martha. Murdoch ignored her.

Later he went outside for a smoke. The kids shot the bolt. Murdoch blew a fuse. For Martha, a sigh of relief. The freezer would be full again.

6 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 4 years ago

    The levels women will go to to feed their kids eh?

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 4 years ago

    Thanks Drew. It grew out of me pondering isolation... and my freezers.

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    shaun about 4 years ago

    Nice one. All credit to Murdoch. He's still providing for his family.

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    Jamie Clapperton about 4 years ago

    Bet a lot of people are having bad dreams along these lines. 😁

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    Neville Hunt about 4 years ago

    Haha! You could be right Jamie. 😱

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    Christopher about 4 years ago

    Geez! We've had some of our biggest meat processors close down here due to corona, and they say in five or six weeks we'll start noticing their absence, so there may be a lot of spouses that turn up in the freezer!

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