nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #800


Sofia didn’t bother to wait. “So Livia’s let you at her has she? One off your bucket list then! Lovey-dovey Livy! That must mean she expects you to do something really nasty for her. So what’s brought on the change Paolo? You should be on Cloud 9... or didn’t she live up to your overblown expectations?.... or is she treating you like shit now?”

Paolo didn’t bother to answer any of this, but said. “Livia is not a nice person. In fact I think she’s evil!”

“That’s pretty rich coming from Mr Fingersnipper!” laughed Sofia. “But pretty accurate too!

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago


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    Christopher almost 5 years ago

    Mr. Fingersnipper! Haha!

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Thanks both. The pic is a Mrs H creation from a couple of years ago when we stayed in bro-in-law’s house in Paxos, Greece. They had bought a plate from a local trendy potter. Mrs H placed some pebbles on it for a laugh and I captured the result.

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