nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #796


Paolo couldn’t miss Sofia’s ring. The ring that could spell a lot of trouble for them both. Why was she wearing it here, not just in public view, but clearly flaunting it outrageously?

“Why are you wearing that Sofia?” Paolo, whispering, moved his right hand, covering the ring. “I told you how dangerous it could be for us both didn’t I? Are you mad?”

“So mad that you won’t get lucky tonight after all Paolo! Who on earth knows you here and who thinks my diamond is anything out of the ordinary in a place like this? Who’s mad exactly?”

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 5 years ago

    I wonder if she means that about him not getting lucky.

    (Btw, last line of para 1 has clear.y, I'm presuming it's clearly? And sorry for pointing out the typos. But I always appreciate when someone does it for me.)

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    He might still get lucky. Thanks very much for pointing out any typos; I really appreciate it... otherwise it would remain flawed!

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